luni, 24 mai 2010


Hello, dear old fr... Oh, I so gotta stop kissing your ass. I didn't even miss you. I hate you. I've hated you from the beginning and I will hate until the day I die and then I shall hate you again, but you won't see me because I'll be a ghost :> Awwww >:D<

Don't mind me :-j I'm just too bored. Azi este cam a 3-a zi e cand stau degeaba si de cand ma tot indemn sa ma apuc de invatat pentru examene, dar creierul meu lucreaza pe AM, nu pe FM, so "Misca-te si invata" se traduce prin "Da' mai hodina-te putin, uite aciulea, pe scaun si joaca-te Prehistorik 2 ca pe vremea cand aveai 5 ani.Isn't that adorable? ;;)"

Oricum, chestia e ca in postul asta aveam de gand sa povestesc ceva, dar... De fapt, vroiam sa citesc si Robison Crusoe, ca doar e-n bibliografie, dar... Same thing! No, it's not. Jeff is Jeff, Heff is Heff and Hrreff is Hrreff!.....
Don't know what that was :-? Anyway, I'm back. And this time, I'm here to stay >:)